School year based Waitlist
Waitlist Management Software for School year based waiting lists
Waiting Lists
Lists can be set by date range so students are grouped by school year. The default ranking is based on the date they were added to the list, but you can also manually drag them up or down. Create priorities that bring certian students up to the front of the list.

Parent/Student Portal
Your students can add themselves to your list, check on their status, and remove themselves all online. Customize your portal with your School colors. Parent information can be entered here as well.

Email Reminders
Send periodic reminder emails to parents and allow them to see their position on the list. You can customize the content of the emails and control how much, if any, of the waiting list data they can see.

More features
Additional features include: Family management, note/comment keeping, custom fields, user management, dashboard, and more being added all the time.

For the best schools that everyone want's to enroll in, it can be tough to keep track of all the prospective students. WaitlistPlus can help by automating much of the waitlist signup and management process. Students or their parents can signup for your lists online. They will be placed into the correct list based on the birthdate of the student, and can receive monthly reminder emails so they can confirm or remove themselves from the list. Don't waste time managing your waitling list, spend it teaching those students and create future leaders.
Not a School? Check out some other common uses of WaitlistPlus.
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